Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Narrative Video



  1. The audio could have been better because it sounds like Chloe was talking directly into the mic or was to far away from the mic. The angles were good to show the different point of views.

  2. i feel like a lot of the clips were really long and made it drag. there was audio issues, but you knew that and are gonna fix it and that's great! i think the concept is really cool and i enjoyed a lot of the camera angles that you used. good job!

  3. Your audio is off in the beginning with the alarms. The audio levels and the music levels need adjusted so you can hear the audio all the way through and the music doesn't overpower. I like your music and storyline. The ending credits are nice and simple and I really liked it.

  4. Loved the story behind the video. Some technical difficulties with the audio but I understand. There was a shot where the lens of the camera seemed to be dirty?

  5. I think that the concept was great. There were some audio issues with Chloe and the mic but I got over it. I was very interested in the video and it kept my attention. I liked the message that came from it. Nice job!

  6. The beginning was so strong, I was saddened when the audio cut out because the dialog was one of the strongest aspects. I feel like this was radically different from the pitch, and it worked so much better in the end for it :)

  7. Nice video. I liked the meaning behind it. The alarm went on a really long time; which wasn't a horrible thing, I just didn't understand why. I would also look for a more flattering way to film someone brushing their teeth.

  8. It was good. I loved the walking in snow clips. The alarm was a little weird that it missed a beat when repeating and just randomly stopped.

  9. I liked the shots of you Chloe and Stanley walking in EA but it would've been nice to see Casey walking in as well since she was in the opening scene with the alarms and teeth brushing.

  10. I like the idea behind your film, showing how everyone does the same thing, and how you opened it with the alarm clock going off. I think the sound of the alarm went on for too long, as it was a bit jarring, but I like what you were aiming for. The narration was good too, where it just popped up here and there, rather than constantly saying something. I think it might have helped having all the various characters do a voice over, but it didn't hurt it having just Chloe speak. Overall, nice work!
